Getting the ambient lighting in was simple, but the specular lighting proved to be more challenging. I got the correct equation in, but the light still wasn't showing up for some reason. After going into PIX it was revealed that this line in the fragment shader:
float3 specularLight = pow( saturate( dot(R, V) ), specularExponent );
was resulting in 0, which would obviously mean that there's not going to be any specular light. I talked with Sherly about this issue and she said that the same thing was happening with her 8 vertex cube, but that her 24 vertex cube worked fine. So I made a new mesh for a 24 vertex cube so that each face could have its own normal and poof, it worked just fine. I wasn't able to figure out why it doesn't work with the 8 vertex cube, but since it is working on the 24 vertex, at least I know my specular lighting calculations work.
Even though we didn't need a screen shot for this weeks submission, it feels weird to post a blog about a graphics assignment without a picture. So here's my cubes with specular lighting in. Unfortunately it's really hard to get a good shot with the rotating cubes. The front and right side cubes are all using specular lighting, although only the 2nd and 4th are using the 24 vertex mesh.

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