Compared to the previous prototypes, we are nowhere near as finished with this current project. Learning HTML and Javascript wasn't bad at all (ignoring the case where getting a background to show up on a canvas refused to work despite multiple tutorials saying it should) so that's definitely not to blame. It's hard to put my finger on it, but I know it's impacting all the groups and not just us. I think a large part of it has to do with it being hard to work in a lab setting when others around you aren't working.
All that being said though, I'm not concerned about us not finishing on time. I'm planning on really buckling down this coming week and fully expect to have it completed by Thursday. I've read up and understand everything I need to get my section of the code running, I just need to actually get it done. The code behind our game isn't particularly challenging, and I'm most concerned about he conversations since they're really the heart of this game. Worst case scenario the prototype will show what we're aiming at and that it works, and the conversations will really just be filler that the therapists can replace.
And I do feel that this will be a fun and enjoyable game both for people with autism, and those without.
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